Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | | | V23N6P2 |
Stop Press | | | V23N6P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V23N6P3 |
CD-ROM Review - What the HP Manuals do not say | Various | Tony Duell, Dave Colver & Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz | V23N6P4 |
Chairman's Bytes - November-December2004 | General | Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz | V23N6P6 |
The HPCC 2004 Annual General Meeting | General | Dave Colver | V23N6P7 |
A new way to pay your subscription | General | Dave Colver | V23N6P10 |
The hp49g+ - a warranty exchange | hp49g+ | Peter Gatenby | V23N6P11 |
HP-12C Binary to Decimal Conversion | HP-12C | Bruce Horrocks | V23N6P11 |
Recovery from variable-saving errors | Hp49g+ | Peter Gatenby | V23N6P12 |
HP-12C Pt - Replication of T in ALG Mode | HP-12C Pt | Tony Hutchins | V23N6P12 |
Long Live the HP42S ! | HP-42S | Valentin Albillo | V23N6P13 |
HHC 2004 Conference User RPL Programming Contest: A Post-conference Analysis | General | Jeremy Smith | V23N6P27 |
HP Calculator Quiz | General | Richard Nelson | V23N6P37 |
HP Handhelds Meeting in Allschwil | General | Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz | V23N6P39 |
HP at an Educational Conference | General | Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz | V23N6P41 |
HHC 2004 and After | General | Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz | V23N6P42 |
HP Calculator Quiz Answers | General | Richard Nelson | V23N6P44 |
HP Calculator History - The HP200LX | HP200LX | Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz | V23N6P47 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | | | V23N5P2 |
Stop Press | | | V23N5P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V23N5P3 |
HP-71B Modest Mater | HP71B | Neville A. Joseph | V23N5P4 |
The HP Way | General | Bruce Dickson | V23N5P4 |
Chairman’s Bytes – September-October2004 | General | Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz | V23N5P6 |
Potted Palm: Using screen capture utility for Palm work | Palm | Pat Merican | V23N5P7 |
HP49 LN Question | HP49G | Bill Butler | V23N5P8 |
HP49 START…STEP Bug | HP49G | Bill Butler | V23N5P8 |
Enigma Puzzles | RPL | Peter Gatenby | V23N5P9 |
Display pattern and TTF® files for HP calculators  | Various | Luiz Cláudio Vieira | V23N5P14 |
Second Thoughts on the hp49g+ | HP49G+ | Peter Gatenby | V23N5P19 |
17bii+ Manual Correction Sheet | HP17Bii+ | Hewlett-Packard | V23N5P20 |
Entry Level Scientific Calculator Comparison: the TI-30XII, the TI-34II and the HP-30S | HP30S | Tim Wessman | V23N5P22 |
HPCC Mini Conference Report | General | Bruce Horrocks | V23N5P30 |
HP Calculator History – The HP100LX 2MB | HP100LX | Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz | V23N5P31 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | | | V23N4P2 |
Stop Press | | | V23N4P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V23N4P3 |
Members' Letters: Reply to "The HP Way" | General | Tony Duell | V23N4P4 |
Notes on the hp 49g+ graphing calculator | HP49G+ | Peter Gatenby | V23N4P5 |
Chairman's Bytes - July-August 2004 | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N4P7 |
Pick an HP49 Font | HP49G | Peter Gatenby | V23N4P8 |
HP67 Internals | HP-67 | Tony Duell | V23N4P9 |
25 Words (More or Less): RPN Double Negative is Not Useless | RPN | Tony Hutchins | V23N4P13 |
V23N2 Mini Challenge Answers: Mini Challenge Entry for the HP-41 | HP-41 | Peter Gatenby | V23N4P14 |
V23N2 Mini Challenge Answers: The 1-X Mini Challenge (V23N2P5) | RPN | Tony Hutchins | V23N4P14 |
HP49 Challenge Solution | HP49G | Bill Butler | V23N4P16 |
HP-12C Lunacy | HP-12C | Tony Hutchins | V23N4P18 |
Compile your own HP49G ROM | HP49G | Bruce Horrocks | V23N4P22 |
Eight Queens Revisited | HP48 | Bill Butler | V23N4P26 |
HP-71B Modest Mater  | HP-71B | Valentin Albillo | V23N4P31 |
HP Calculator History - The HP48G and HP48GX | HP48 | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N4P43 |
For Sale | Misc | | V23N4P43 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | | | V23N3P2 |
Stop Press | | | V23N3P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V23N3P3 |
The HP Way | General | Bruce Dickson | V23N3P4 |
Chairman's Bytes | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N3P5 |
HP-65 Internals | HP-65 | Tony Duell | V23N3P6 |
A Quick Look at the HP33S | HP33S | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N3P12 |
Summing up the HP 33S | HP33S | Jordi Hidalgo | V23N3P13 |
HP-12C & Stephen Derenzo's Gaussian and Inverse Gaussian Programs | HP-12C | Tony Hutchins | V23N3P22 |
Best Black-Scholes in the HP-12C Galaxy! | HP-12C | Tony Hutchins | V23N3P25 |
Potted Palm: Using a spreadsheet to work out if the end of the month is a weekend | Palm | Pat Merican | V23N3P34 |
HP49 Font Rotation | HP49G | Bill Butler | V23N3P36 |
An Annotated Booklist - Part Three | General | Jordi Hidalgo | V23N3P37 |
Program Labels on the HP49G - Some History | HP49G | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N3P41 |
HP Calculator History - Return to the HP48S | HP48S | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N3P47 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | | | V23N2P2 |
Stop Press | | | V23N2P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V23N2P3 |
Microsoft, Bugs and other Beasts | HP33S | Jordi Hidalgo | V23N2P4 |
HPIL Peripheral Control Programs | HPIL | Tony Duell | V23N2P5 |
Mini Challenge | RPN | Tony Hutchins | V23N2P5 |
Chairman's Bytes - March-April 2004 | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N2P6 |
An HP-12C Moving Average (MA) Program | HP-12C | Tony Hutchins | V23N2P7 |
HP-12C Notes: AMORT, SL, SOYD & DB and TVM Formulae | HP-12C | Tony Hutchins | V23N2P11 |
HP-55 Repair Notes | HP-55 | Tony Duell | V23N2P18 |
Program Encapsulation on the HP-42S | HP-42S | Erik Ehrling | V23N2P25 |
An Annotated Booklist - Part Two | General | Jordi Hidalgo | V23N2P27 |
Real Comparison Between the TI-89 and the HP-49G (Part 2) | TI / HP49G | Tim Wessman | V23N2P31 |
HP Calculator History - Back to the HP28S | HP-28S | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N2P39 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | | | V23N1P2 |
Stop Press | | | V23N1P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V23N1P3 |
Chairman’s Bytes – Jan-Feb 2004 | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N1P4 |
HP-45 Internals | HP-45 | Tony Duell | V23N1P5 |
Back Issues of Datafile | Datafile | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N1P8 |
A way to lock alpha entry mode in the HP 40G | HP40G | Jordi Hidalgo | V23N1P12 |
Percentage Inverses | General | Tony Hutchins | V23N1P12 |
SD Card Capacity | HP49G+ | Joe Horn | V23N1P13 |
Filer 5 | HP49G+ | Wolfgang Rautenberg | V23N1P14 |
Compact Flash Card Speed Tests | HP49G+ | Mike Mander | V23N1P14 |
Tony Hutchins’ XYZT | RPN | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N1P15 |
An Annotated Booklist – Part One | General | Jordi Hidalgo | V23N1P16 |
A User’s Comments on Two HP-42S Emulators | HP-42S | Erik Ehrling | V23N1P19 |
Casio-like ENG-> programs for HP49 | HP49G | John H. Meyers | V23N1P25 |
Dean Lampman | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N1P26 |
Real Comparison Between the TI-89 and the HP-49G (Part 1) | HP-49G | Tim Wessman | V23N1P27 |
HP Calculator History – The HP100LX | HP100LX | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V23N1P35 |
Page Last modified: 1st January 2022