Dear HPCC Member,


I am pleased to inform you that the result of the ballot on the future of Datafile was C Ð Publish an issue only when full.


The vote took place during the Extraordinary General Meeting held at Imperial College on Saturday, 11th March last. Most votes were in advance by post / email and the result was:



Stop publishing Datafile



Continue to attempt to publish 4 issues a year



Publish an issue only when full



Abstention / no reply



Holding the vote and counting the results were the only two agenda items and the EGM was formally closed immediately after the announcement.


A Committee meeting was held immediately afterwards at which it was decided to:

á       maintain the membership subscriptions at the current rates;

á       hold the 2017 AGM at the November meeting (11th November); and

á       hold a Club Conference at the September meeting.


As it is HPCCÕs 35th anniversary this year (and the 45th anniversary of the HP-35) we would like to invite speakers to give a presentation, particularly on the HP-35 or HP-45. However, a talk on any subject of interest to members would be very welcome. If there is sufficient response then we will hold a 2-day conference, otherwise one-day.


As Editor, I am most heartened with both the level of engagement (36 out of 52 current members replied) and that no one voted to stop publishing Datafile. I still need to define some details Ð for example what constitutes a ÔfullÕ Datafile (which will probably resolve around postage weights and rates) and how to track membership start dates. But for now, if the number in brackets after your name (in the address box) is 2016 then please renew now. If it is 2017 or higher then you have already renewed and do not need to do anything.


Membership rates are:


1 Year
(4 issues)

2 Years
(8 issues)

UK & Channel Islands






Other Countries




Payment can be made by Paypal using the following URLs:


Please add a note and include your name and membership number.



Yours sincerely,


Bruce Horrocks, #609

Datafile Editor