Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information |
| | V22N6P2 |
Stop Press |
| | V22N6P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V22N6P3 |
Chairman’s Bytes – Nov-Dec 2003 | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N6P5 |
Members’ Letters: The TI Challenge | General | Frank Waterland | V22N6P6 |
The Treasurer Writes! | General | Dave Colver | V22N6P7 |
The HPCC 2003 Annual General Meeting | General | Dave Colver | V22N6P8 |
Leaving the Future Behind Us | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N6P10 |
HP-35 Internals… | HP-35 | Tony Duell | V22N6P11 |
Eight Queens … in Half | HP48/49 | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N6P15 |
Potted Palm: Using a Spreadsheet as a customized calculator | Clie | Pat Merican | V22N6P16 |
HP33S Summary | HP33S | Leif Harcke | V22N6P17 |
My Name’s Thirty, TI-30… | Misc | Paul Brogger | V22N6P18 |
25 Years of “Algorithms for RPN Calculators” | Various | A. Hutchins & J. Hidalgo | V22N6P20 |
HP49G+ Notes | HP49G+ | Bruce Horrocks | V22N6P22 |
Initial Impressions of the Aurora FN 1000 | FN1000 | Craig A. Finseth | V22N6P24 |
The PDQ Algorithm | HP48/49 | Joe Horn | V22N6P26 |
Around the XYZT World in 80 Ways | Various | Tony Hutchins | V22N6P34 |
HP41 & EMU41 Uploading plug in module ROM-image-files | HP41 | Christoph Klug | V22N6P38 |
Capturing Screens with INPRT
| Various | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N6P45 |
HP Calculator History – What is a Series? | Misc | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N6P47 |
For Sale and Wanted | | | V22N6P47 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | | | V22N5P2 |
Stop Press | | | V22N5P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V22N5P3 |
Chairman's Bytes | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N5P4 |
Potted Palm | PDA | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N5P5 |
TVM33 - An HP Solver TVM
| Various | Tony Hutchins | V22N5P6 |
How to put a toggle into the HP Solver | Various | Tony Hutchins | V22N5P11 |
Blast from the Future | Misc | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N5P13 |
A Cunning Plan | Misc | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N5P14 |
Functions Missing on HP Calculators | Various | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N5P15 |
First Impressions of the hp49g+ | hp49g+ | Tony Hutchins | V22N5P22 |
Black-Scholes Corrections | HP17BII | Tony Hutchins | V22N5P24 |
McCulloch-Pitts Neural Nets | HP48/49 | Peter Gatenby | V22N5P25 |
Correction | Misc | Bruce Horrocks | V22N5P31 |
HHC2003 Conference Report | Misc | Richard J. Nelson | V22N5P32 |
Short Review of Tony Hutchins' book - Modern Financial Computation | Misc | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N5P46 |
HP Calculator History - theHP95LX 1Mb | HP95LX | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N5P47 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | | | V22N4P2 |
Stop Press | | | V22N4P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V22N4P3 |
Chairman's Bytes | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N4P4 |
A Note on Internet Access with the HP 200LX | HP200LX | Peter Gatenby | V22N4P5 |
Conference Reminders | Conf | | V22N4P5 |
"RPN, ALG and the HP12C Platinum" | HP12C | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N4P6 |
HP38G Clear Advantage Over HP48/49G | HP38G | Colin Croft | V22N4P8 |
HP-15C Nth-degree Polynomial Fitting | HP-15C | Valentin Albillo | V22N4P9 |
Long Live the Advantage ROM ! | HP-41 | Valentin Albillo | V22N4P15 |
Old Timers | HP-45 | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N4P23 |
Potted Palm | iPAQ | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N4P26 |
Datafile Back Issues | Misc | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N4P26 |
QPI for the HP42S | HP-42S | Erik Ehrling | V22N4P27 |
What is HP-42X? | HP-42S | HrastProgrammer | V22N4P30 |
EMU41 for HP48/49: Some hidden key-combinations | HP-41 | Juergen Rodenkirchen | V22N4P32 |
A substitute i-solver for the HP12C Platinum (12CP) | HP-12CP | Tony Hutchins | V22N4P33 |
HP Calculator History - theHP95LX | HP95LX | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N4P46 |
For Sale and Wanted | Misc | | V22N4P47 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | | | V22N3P2 |
Stop Press | | | V22N3P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V22N3P3 |
Member's Letters: It's Only Fair | HP48G | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N3P5 |
Member's Letters: USB Serial Adapters | HP48/49 | James M. Prange | V22N3P6 |
Chairman's Bytes | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N3P7 |
Impressions of the HP 12C Platinum | HP-12CP | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N3P8 |
12C Platinum Bugs | HP-12CP | Bruce Horrocks | V22N3P12 |
Potted Palm | Palm | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N3P12 |
Black-Scholes takes over the HP12C | HP-12C | Tony Hutchins | V22N3P13 |
Stock Trading Study with 2 Currencies using the HP200LX Solver
 | HP200LX | Tony Hutchins | V22N3P22 |
The Online Archive Library | HP-41 | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N3P34 |
Off Topic | HP-48 | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N3P34 |
Using a menu for input | HP48/49 | John H. Meyers | V22N3P35 |
Long Live the HP-15C ! | HP-15C | Valentin Albillo | V22N3P36 |
HP Calculator Web-Site Index | Various | Bruce Horrocks | V22N3P41 |
Members By Interest Code | General | Bruce Horrocks | V22N3P42 |
HP Calculator History -HP 48SX plug-in cards | HP48 | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N3P47 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | HPCC | | V22N2P2 |
Stop Press | HPCC | | V22N2P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V22N2P3 |
Members' Letters: HP-41 Emulator for Jornada 420 | HP-41, J'da | Juergen Rodenkirchen | V22N2P4 |
Members' Letters: Belated 2002 HPCC Conference Review | Conf | Juergen Rodenkirchen | V22N2P4 |
Questions and Answers: USB Serial Adapters | General | Tony Duell | V22N2P5 |
Questions and Answers: HP-16C Index Register Size | HP-16C | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N2P5 |
HP 9 Series Arrives in Spain | HP 9 | J. Manrique | V22N2P8 |
Chairman's Bytes - March-April 2003 | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N2P9 |
HP48/49 Backslash Translators | HP48/49 | John H. Meyers | V22N2P10 |
Trigonometry Marathon with the HP49G - Pt. 6 | HP49G | Nick Karagiaouroglou | V22N2P12 |
Accounts 2002 | HPCC | Dave Colver | V22N2P17 |
Potted Palm | Palmtop | WMJ & Michael Moore | V22N2P18 |
CAS commands sans mode changes, etc. | HP49G | John H. Meyers | V22N2P20 |
Mini-challenge: Prime Date Pairs | HP48/49 | Joe Horn | V22N2P21 |
Ratios of Fibonacci like Sequences on the HP48 | HP48 | Juergen Rodenkirchen | V22N2P22 |
V22N1 Mini-Challenge Results | HP48/49 | Joe Horn | V22N2P27 |
Vital Units of Measurement | General | Joe Horn | V22N2P27 |
Buy/Sell Quick Analysis | HP200LX | Daniel Legendre | V22N2P28 |
Downside Investment Risk | HP200LX | Tony Hutchins | V22N2P29 |
HP Solver Equation that Back-solves the BLACK-SCHOLES | HP200LX | Tony Hutchins | V22N2P32 |
Bug Report | HP39G | Colin Croft | V22N2P41 |
HP Calculator History - the HP 32SII | HP32SII | Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz | V22N2P42 |
For Sale and Wanted | Various | Tony Duell | V22N2P43 |
Title | Subject | Author | Page |
Club Information | HPCC | | V22N1P2 |
Stop Press | HPCC | | V22N1P2 |
Editorial | General | Bruce Horrocks | V22N1P3 |
Members' Letters: Door Prize Winner | Conf | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N1P4 |
Members' Letters: Solver and TVM Code | General | Tony Hutchins | V22N1P5 |
Members' Letters: It's the Travelling | Conf | Peter Gatenby | V22N1P6 |
Members' Letters: Calculator Shortage | General | J. Marique Lopez | V22N1P7 |
Chairman's Bytes | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrezjowicz | V22N1P8 |
Ticking Clock Aplet | HP38/39 | Jordi Hidalgo | V22N1P9 |
Decimal->Fraction using CF algorithm | HP100LX | Tony Hutchins | V22N1P10 |
Conference Prizes, Part 3 of N | Conf | Wlodek Mier-Jedrezjowicz | V22N1P14 |
Odd Random Numbers | HP48 | Joe Horn | V22N1P14 |
Potted Palm | Palmtop | Wlodek Mier-Jedrezjowicz | V22N1P15 |
HP Handhelds History - Solvers Part 3 | General | Wlodek Mier-Jedrezjowicz | V22N1P17 |
HP Strikes Back or The Attack of the Clones | General | J. Manrique Lopez | V22N1P20 |
Emu41 Update with HPIL Support | HP41 | Jean-Francois Garnier | V22N1P22 |
Mini-Challenge | HP48/49 | Joe Horn | V22N1P23 |
Trigonometry Marathon with the HP49G - Part 5 | HP49G | Nick Karagiaouroglou | V22N1P25 |
UBONDS - Universal Bond Solver | HP100LX | Tony Hutchins | V22N1P28 |
HP Calculator History - the HP 48SX | HP48SX | Wlodek Mier-Jedrezjowicz | V22N1P35 |
For Sale and Wanted | | | V22N1P35 |
Page Last modified: 1st January 2022